12 months as a member so far, and I’m way more confident in the markets. The three key ‘light-bulb’ moments for me have been 1) The use of an index trend model to allocate risk to the market 2) Position sizing for risk (varying the size of positions so that the risk to stop is always constant) and 3) Going into every trade with a firm plan.
It’s been a bear market, so my risk allocation has been low, and that has kept me safe and let me sleep well at night. As the market strengthens, the trend model will allow more risk, and positions will be taken as and when they present themselves. Simple!
The effect on my portfolio has been a massive reduction in volatility. I used to make money in bull markets, and then give it back in bear markets. The disciplines taught here have plugged that leak. Market anxiety has disappeared, as every position now manages itself. Losers are cut quickly then forgotten, and winners are added to as they rise. As far as stock selection goes, it’s the perfect marriage of fundamentals and technicals – earnings growth and a rising chart. We live and breath in the top right hand edge of the chart.
It’s great being part of a community where we genuinely want the best for each other. We don’t each hold all the best trades, but I’m confident as a group we’ve got them all nailed.
Onwards and upwards!
Mike W
It’s been a bear market, so my risk allocation has been low, and that has kept me safe and let me sleep well at night. As the market strengthens, the trend model will allow more risk, and positions will be taken as and when they present themselves. Simple!
The effect on my portfolio has been a massive reduction in volatility. I used to make money in bull markets, and then give it back in bear markets. The disciplines taught here have plugged that leak. Market anxiety has disappeared, as every position now manages itself. Losers are cut quickly then forgotten, and winners are added to as they rise. As far as stock selection goes, it’s the perfect marriage of fundamentals and technicals – earnings growth and a rising chart. We live and breath in the top right hand edge of the chart.
It’s great being part of a community where we genuinely want the best for each other. We don’t each hold all the best trades, but I’m confident as a group we’ve got them all nailed.
Onwards and upwards!
Mike W
I found Trading Bases at the top of the post pandemic market. I didn’t release at the time but as a slow-but-sure kind of learner this was a great time to join. I’d ridden some decent self picked stocks post-covid, but lacked methodology and gave most back. So I trialled TB.
The group were already riding a few outliers (a few were very big winners like JLP and WATR), and I too took some positions in stage 3 and 4 trend bases, of which half were scratch trades and half 1R losers.
This topping of the overall market meant I learned very quickly how to manage risk using the index trend model and heat limitations. The wild swings in my portfolio disappeared and a more controlled approach was born. A bear market is actually a great time to join, as a) there is a lot to take on board and having time to absorb is an advantage; and b) pickings are few, so no FOMO.
During the bear market, I have taken less positions and these have also been smaller. In that time, although my portfolio is +/- zero, I am very happy with where it is. I only have two open positions, risk is managed, and price action is playing out fine for now with stop losses out-of-the-noise. The beauty of the Trading Bases index trend model is that is allows you to assign more risk as and when the market improves.
Nightly screenings of the market show which individual stocks are going the right way. Any stocks which “have the right look” can then be researched into further. Its great to see how the journey of a stock develops over time and how scaling into a position allows you to build on winning trades or cut losers early.
Finally, the group at Trading Bases. Friendly and welcoming, a superb group who are always willing to help each other. It’s a great place to hang out with like-minded souls whilst “making a few coins”. I just wished I’d found Trading Bases sooner…
Thanks Jase, much respect!
The group were already riding a few outliers (a few were very big winners like JLP and WATR), and I too took some positions in stage 3 and 4 trend bases, of which half were scratch trades and half 1R losers.
This topping of the overall market meant I learned very quickly how to manage risk using the index trend model and heat limitations. The wild swings in my portfolio disappeared and a more controlled approach was born. A bear market is actually a great time to join, as a) there is a lot to take on board and having time to absorb is an advantage; and b) pickings are few, so no FOMO.
During the bear market, I have taken less positions and these have also been smaller. In that time, although my portfolio is +/- zero, I am very happy with where it is. I only have two open positions, risk is managed, and price action is playing out fine for now with stop losses out-of-the-noise. The beauty of the Trading Bases index trend model is that is allows you to assign more risk as and when the market improves.
Nightly screenings of the market show which individual stocks are going the right way. Any stocks which “have the right look” can then be researched into further. Its great to see how the journey of a stock develops over time and how scaling into a position allows you to build on winning trades or cut losers early.
Finally, the group at Trading Bases. Friendly and welcoming, a superb group who are always willing to help each other. It’s a great place to hang out with like-minded souls whilst “making a few coins”. I just wished I’d found Trading Bases sooner…
Thanks Jase, much respect!
TB has been a gamechanger for me since joining about 2 years ago, the methodology suits in that I'm working a day job so making a decision at the end of the day is perfect. The habit of watching the screening sessions every night means I'm thinking about investing and my positions every night, I'm still making mistakes but they are fewer and I don't tolerate losing positions (that long!). The key for new members is to watch the screening sessions every night! it's complicated stuff at first but it seeps in like osmosis over time! I'm bumping off ATHs and any volatility I have is usually a result of falls in my big open winners like ERGO and CER but that's a nice problem to have!
Hi, just a note of thanks; I hit 9 ATHs in May alone...best year in my whole 12 years at this.
Yes it's a good market but I'm getting such good discipline and process under the belt and that's producing the results for me...fantastic...
My advice would be: Keep turning up to the daily YouTube sessions (or catch up later); don't worry if you're not picking everything up at once, it will come by osmosis.
Try to catch the daily Radars if possible; they often address something specific going on that day or a particular topic.
Go through the website to reinforce what you're picking up in the daily sessions.
Take time to figure out the GTRS; become familiar with the stocks in it and how they move; think about how you might trade them (or not). Block out the noise, keep off Twitter etc., don't deviate from the method, don't take trades for the sake of it, set stops.
Give it a few months and review; if you're like me you'll be very happy with the results, good market or not, and will begin to understand the effectiveness and risk management benefits of the process / method. In time hopefully you'll find that taking quality trades with correct position sizing and appropriate adds becomes second nature.
Hope that helps, it's more of a summary of the key points I've learned this year.
Pr0ject80 Nigel
Hi Jase. Fantastic performance at the moment and at all time portfolio high's. I’m +37% YTD and +70% 1YR. My last ath was Sep 2018 then I pulled back 25% from there to Jun 20. Quite a few mistakes in that period but I’ve learned the lessons. I’m in most of your trades, plus I still have FUTR, EKF and BGO. Lot’s of open profit so I’m trying to keep quiet to avoid jinxing it, but thanks to you I have no fear (well maybe a smidgen). Great to be on the team, long may it continue.
That grind was a great learning opportunity, and the March 20 bear was a trend model lightbulb moment for me. Onwards and upwards with a many more learning opportunities I think. Whatever happens, it’s great fun.
Old timer advice; my initial position sizes (absolute, still 1R have got progressively smaller with time (wider stops mostly, but adding more times as we go). I've passed on trades much more frequently than I used to, and I've seen some big gains turn to huge gains by sitting through a bit of volatility (WATR for example). Stick with it....it really pays off.
Just logged in and checked things over. ATHITHOTW (all time high's in the history of the world) in the portfolio. Beers and bum smacking all round!
Can’t tell you enough how grateful I am to have discovered your work a couple of years back.
Please don’t ever retire.
Chris J
On last night’s EOD Jase asked for a few ‘old timers’ to come out of the woodwork to give their experience. I found TB at the end of 2017. The market was mixed for a couple of years so the profits came as I learnt the process but then there would be a ‘rug-pull’ so it wasn’t too easy a ride especially when Covid arrived. I ended up with 100% cash but it didn’t hurt my capital thanks to the techniques and discipline I learned here. I went back in the market on July 1st last year and I can’t believe how well I’ve done. Its game changing for me and is the culmination of the methods taught by Jase and a decent market in which to apply them. At first it all seemed quite technical and there didn’t seem to be a clear starting point to all the learning. But just jump into the tutorials and stick with it and soon it all starts to knit together and the fog lifts. Don’t be afraid to ask any questions – we’ve all been there and asked the same. Once you’ve been through the website go back again and it’s surprising how much more you’ll learn and it really does bring it all together. Happy days.
Having taken the decision to self manage my modest pension pf over ten years ago and tried numerous investment strategies with the intention of achieving steady compounded returns I've come to the conclusion that the Trading Bases/William O'Neill / Trend surfing strategy is the only game in town if you are going to actively manage a portfolio of smaller companies. It took me a while to find a strategy that makes sense and works and is straight forward enough for me to follow but I'm here now! Thanks Jase
Pete H
LoL - definitely gradual for me. I'm a real old-timer and joined in 2018. My journey was through funds with HL, before realising how much money I was losing on the myriad fees. I then bought stocks and made all the usual mistakes, without blowing the whole pot. I stumbled across Jase through reading the WheelieDealer blog. Like @ChrisJ, I had a mixed market for a while and I had mixed success because I was making some of the mistakes Jason warns about. Panicking and puking, finding my comfort zone, running too much heat for the market phases etc. Definitely simple when you read / hear it, but not easy to do. ..
But the approach works and I was able to scramble out of the huge Mar20 crash in reasonably good order. By watching the hourly night-screenings, things slowly got hammered in through repetition (I'm sure I should have re-visited the web-site more, as well). And once Jason 'invented' the GTRS as a visual for his filtering methods, things became a lot clearer. @Neil has shown that if you really focus, you can get comfortable in months, but even he talks about 'osmosis'. Then since we got into the bull market a year ago, it's been brilliant - I'm hovering around ATHs and I'm fully invested, running 3.5% heat! I sleep at night, no worries - wherever I'm long, I know where I'm wrong...
Still learning
Right, who's ready for my novella?
I think I have been a member for about a year now, I think I started “investing” and then later trading in 2017. God, this is brutal. Remembering how it all started, and all the stupid mistakes I made.. And I must have made all of them, and invented some new ones too. Big trades, large caps, buying at tops, buying junk, no plan, no clue, no stops, following "investors" and buying their tips, buying Midas tips, chasing stocks, buy and hold, the list goes on and on. Things were very bad, I had huge losses. Waiting and hoping for stocks to come back; after all, I was in all the "blue chips" that can't go bust and those "silent assassin investor" stocks. Those draw-downs were nasty, not to mention seeing that much red every single day. I have to admit, I had balls at that stage to hold through those draw-downs, but the heart was working extra-hard, lol. I think I must have reduced my shelf-life by about 5 years in this period. Made up my mind to become way better, and started ordering, reading and re-reading multiple books, investor books first, and then trading books. Following the right people, mostly momentum investors and I cut the rest from my feed. This did help a lot, and I should have started with this before dangling my toes buying and selling. But it is only when the market hands you huge losses that you realize you are pretty shit at this game. Things did improve a lot after that, started cutting losses fast, smaller trades, letting winners run. I was trading a lot, and I am still going through my trade journal, and discovering a lot about myself. All the ingredients started coming together slowly. But something was still missing. I wasn’t heavily invested when the market crashed last year. I am not sure when I came across Jase, but I remember having seen him posting or commenting on “investor” posts. Didn’t take him too seriously or pay any attention, I was in love with the big green ticks the “investors” used, lol. He had commented on a post about #ZTF and I started DM’ing him asking for advice and questions and I was surprised how helpful and humble he was. It took some time before we had our first phone call, I kept dithering and delaying on whether to sign up. Spoke to him and finally joined. I don’t think I have missed one radar or one screening session since I joined; each session has something new, something different. Even though he repeats, there was always something new I learnt. His methods were very different from the momentum investors, What you learn from Jase is how stocks actually trade. I had the ingredients from reading over 40+ books, but joining trading-bases was the fire that got me cooking. His screenings instilled a discipline and a routine in my trading. What was normal, and what was not. What to focus on, and what to discard. He helped cement a lot of what I had read, and un-learning a couple of things was part of the process. It was amazing how the questions I had in my head would always be answered in one screening or another without asking. It was uncanny. It’s been one year since I joined and the way I trade has changed a lot. I still make stupid silly mistakes but fewer. I am still watching every screening session, thinking and patching the puzzles in my head. If you want to make the most of trading-bases, attend every session, listen carefully, write stuff down, don’t chase stocks, plan your trades, journal your trades, review them and manage your risk. You win this game by surviving, not going all in. And don’t stop learning from Jase, he is a great mentor.
Ah, I forgot one thing. The most important lesson I learnt from Jase was managing risk, and how it is the first and fore-most thing before hitting that buy button.
Thanks for all the lessons, Jase
Prior to joining, I made similar mistakes to others: absolutely no risk management (eg holding a stock until losses were painful), buying stocks that were ex-growth, buying at the wrong time, buying bargains , the dreaded “no-one goes bust taking a profit” (which of course means that you never get big winners). After joining I started to improve my process - it took quite some time (slow learner). The daily 7pm slots started to drum things into my head. As others have mentioned, the GTRS certainly helps to quantify growth and technical aspects of a stock. I’m currently about 1% off ATHINHOTW so that’s nice - thanks Jase Major lessons for me: Set risk level. Set stop at the right point. This *could* be 30-50% below current price. I always check gtrs financials with SharePad. If in doubt, I don’t buy, or I treat it as a riskier trade and enter with less risk. You can usually scale in later. Buy at optimum R:R level if possible. Vital for swing trades. Adding to trades boosts performance. Most of this stuff is covered in the 7pm videos anyway. Analogy time: You want to buy a stock that’s riding a rising tide, not one that’s sinking on a falling tide. And Jase’s daily videos will mean that you know when to catch that big wave at the right time.
the best new starter suggestion I can give re: learning is to make a habit of watching the 7pm daily videos (can be watched on catch-up if that time isn’t convenient). Initially I found them useful as jumping off points to then rummage through the website (“what did he mean by that” etc) then later I appreciated their brainwashing effect if watched consistently. Helps to mentally prepare for a marathon rather than a sprint when it comes to trades. Last thing, the acronym page on the website is a useful one to check early on
another enjoyable and valuable session thanks. As a side note to the piece at the end and echoing comments above, I’ve learnt so much over the last year it’s amazing - really have my ‘investing house’ in order and improved immensely - all down to what I’m getting at these sessions.
Hi Jase, I just wanted to give you an update report! My PF is up 30% ytd and I'm delighted with that performance and wouldn't have been able to do it without your guidance so I'm very grateful. Since the crash last March 2020 my pf is up 106%. In the month or so leading up to the crash in March I made the mistake of not selling down my positions as the markets were falling even though I was listening to the EODs every night and was aware what you were doing (I just sort of froze and sold out of a few which I knew would not recover quickly). I'm investing my pension ( so I don't have the pressure of having to depend on it for a living at the moment but I still want to compound it as much as possible) so I was taking the view that most of my positions would recover. I would have been much better off getting out and am kicking myself now but will chalk it down to experience. I will be prepared to exit much more swiftly in the next crash. Des
Appreciate your patience helping us develop an edge, sometimes a decent teacher will have to explain in 10'000 different ways the same principle before the student is gonna have the slightest inkling of what to do. Mind you at the end of the day if someone isn't willing and is steadfast against your method/mentality they probably won't get there anyway, especially sad if they crash, but they did have the information and a passionate coach to help avoid it at their disposal, thats a rarity and why I'm delighted to have found you myself. Cheers
thanks Jase, your passion to help everyone really comes through, and like Tommy above I am delighted to have found this little corner of the investing universe!
Keep up the good work, trading's not for everyone so naturally people will come and go, but you can rest assured you've given them the best possible chance to 'get it', without being slippery or overpriced... If you ever do a 3 year apprentice membership let me know.
I'm always on catchup and a bit of a lurker, because I'm older and getting stupider - but great session again, Jase. I don't care how many different ways you attempt to explain the same thing, I really need it and appreciate it. The clincher is, after about three years, I've caught on enough to be riding ATHs as well. I wish I'd joined ten years ago!
I would echo everyone else's comments. I have only been here since May but what you do is amazing and by the far the best investment I have made in subscribing to this site. I chucked all my books and cancelled all the magazine subscriptions. I just listen to the daily radar and end of day update and my portfolio is now slowly moving in the right direction so thanks again for everything you do.
Shaun W
Thanks from another lurker and catcher upper Regular evening prayers a great habit to remind what we are here to do.
TB has been a gamechanger for me since joining about 2 years ago, the methodology suits in that I'm working a day job so making a decision at the end of the day is perfect. The habit of watching the screening sessions every night means I'm thinking about investing and my positions every night, I'm still making mistakes but they are fewer and I don't tolerate losing positions (that long!). The key for new members is to watch the screening sessions every night! it's complicated stuff at first but it seeps in like osmosis over time! I'm bumping off ATHs and any volatility I have is usually a result of falls in my big open winners like ERGO and CER but that's a nice problem to have!
Hi, just a note of thanks; I hit 9 ATHs in May alone...best year in my whole 12 years at this.
Yes it's a good market but I'm getting such good discipline and process under the belt and that's producing the results for me...fantastic...
My advice would be: Keep turning up to the daily YouTube sessions (or catch up later); don't worry if you're not picking everything up at once, it will come by osmosis.
Try to catch the daily Radars if possible; they often address something specific going on that day or a particular topic.
Go through the website to reinforce what you're picking up in the daily sessions.
Take time to figure out the GTRS; become familiar with the stocks in it and how they move; think about how you might trade them (or not). Block out the noise, keep off Twitter etc., don't deviate from the method, don't take trades for the sake of it, set stops.
Give it a few months and review; if you're like me you'll be very happy with the results, good market or not, and will begin to understand the effectiveness and risk management benefits of the process / method. In time hopefully you'll find that taking quality trades with correct position sizing and appropriate adds becomes second nature.
Hope that helps, it's more of a summary of the key points I've learned this year.
Pr0ject80 Nigel
Hi Jase. Fantastic performance at the moment and at all time portfolio high's. I’m +37% YTD and +70% 1YR. My last ath was Sep 2018 then I pulled back 25% from there to Jun 20. Quite a few mistakes in that period but I’ve learned the lessons. I’m in most of your trades, plus I still have FUTR, EKF and BGO. Lot’s of open profit so I’m trying to keep quiet to avoid jinxing it, but thanks to you I have no fear (well maybe a smidgen). Great to be on the team, long may it continue.
That grind was a great learning opportunity, and the March 20 bear was a trend model lightbulb moment for me. Onwards and upwards with a many more learning opportunities I think. Whatever happens, it’s great fun.
Old timer advice; my initial position sizes (absolute, still 1R have got progressively smaller with time (wider stops mostly, but adding more times as we go). I've passed on trades much more frequently than I used to, and I've seen some big gains turn to huge gains by sitting through a bit of volatility (WATR for example). Stick with it....it really pays off.
Just logged in and checked things over. ATHITHOTW (all time high's in the history of the world) in the portfolio. Beers and bum smacking all round!
Can’t tell you enough how grateful I am to have discovered your work a couple of years back.
Please don’t ever retire.
Chris J
On last night’s EOD Jase asked for a few ‘old timers’ to come out of the woodwork to give their experience. I found TB at the end of 2017. The market was mixed for a couple of years so the profits came as I learnt the process but then there would be a ‘rug-pull’ so it wasn’t too easy a ride especially when Covid arrived. I ended up with 100% cash but it didn’t hurt my capital thanks to the techniques and discipline I learned here. I went back in the market on July 1st last year and I can’t believe how well I’ve done. Its game changing for me and is the culmination of the methods taught by Jase and a decent market in which to apply them. At first it all seemed quite technical and there didn’t seem to be a clear starting point to all the learning. But just jump into the tutorials and stick with it and soon it all starts to knit together and the fog lifts. Don’t be afraid to ask any questions – we’ve all been there and asked the same. Once you’ve been through the website go back again and it’s surprising how much more you’ll learn and it really does bring it all together. Happy days.
Having taken the decision to self manage my modest pension pf over ten years ago and tried numerous investment strategies with the intention of achieving steady compounded returns I've come to the conclusion that the Trading Bases/William O'Neill / Trend surfing strategy is the only game in town if you are going to actively manage a portfolio of smaller companies. It took me a while to find a strategy that makes sense and works and is straight forward enough for me to follow but I'm here now! Thanks Jase
Pete H
LoL - definitely gradual for me. I'm a real old-timer and joined in 2018. My journey was through funds with HL, before realising how much money I was losing on the myriad fees. I then bought stocks and made all the usual mistakes, without blowing the whole pot. I stumbled across Jase through reading the WheelieDealer blog. Like @ChrisJ, I had a mixed market for a while and I had mixed success because I was making some of the mistakes Jason warns about. Panicking and puking, finding my comfort zone, running too much heat for the market phases etc. Definitely simple when you read / hear it, but not easy to do. ..
But the approach works and I was able to scramble out of the huge Mar20 crash in reasonably good order. By watching the hourly night-screenings, things slowly got hammered in through repetition (I'm sure I should have re-visited the web-site more, as well). And once Jason 'invented' the GTRS as a visual for his filtering methods, things became a lot clearer. @Neil has shown that if you really focus, you can get comfortable in months, but even he talks about 'osmosis'. Then since we got into the bull market a year ago, it's been brilliant - I'm hovering around ATHs and I'm fully invested, running 3.5% heat! I sleep at night, no worries - wherever I'm long, I know where I'm wrong...
Still learning
Right, who's ready for my novella?
I think I have been a member for about a year now, I think I started “investing” and then later trading in 2017. God, this is brutal. Remembering how it all started, and all the stupid mistakes I made.. And I must have made all of them, and invented some new ones too. Big trades, large caps, buying at tops, buying junk, no plan, no clue, no stops, following "investors" and buying their tips, buying Midas tips, chasing stocks, buy and hold, the list goes on and on. Things were very bad, I had huge losses. Waiting and hoping for stocks to come back; after all, I was in all the "blue chips" that can't go bust and those "silent assassin investor" stocks. Those draw-downs were nasty, not to mention seeing that much red every single day. I have to admit, I had balls at that stage to hold through those draw-downs, but the heart was working extra-hard, lol. I think I must have reduced my shelf-life by about 5 years in this period. Made up my mind to become way better, and started ordering, reading and re-reading multiple books, investor books first, and then trading books. Following the right people, mostly momentum investors and I cut the rest from my feed. This did help a lot, and I should have started with this before dangling my toes buying and selling. But it is only when the market hands you huge losses that you realize you are pretty shit at this game. Things did improve a lot after that, started cutting losses fast, smaller trades, letting winners run. I was trading a lot, and I am still going through my trade journal, and discovering a lot about myself. All the ingredients started coming together slowly. But something was still missing. I wasn’t heavily invested when the market crashed last year. I am not sure when I came across Jase, but I remember having seen him posting or commenting on “investor” posts. Didn’t take him too seriously or pay any attention, I was in love with the big green ticks the “investors” used, lol. He had commented on a post about #ZTF and I started DM’ing him asking for advice and questions and I was surprised how helpful and humble he was. It took some time before we had our first phone call, I kept dithering and delaying on whether to sign up. Spoke to him and finally joined. I don’t think I have missed one radar or one screening session since I joined; each session has something new, something different. Even though he repeats, there was always something new I learnt. His methods were very different from the momentum investors, What you learn from Jase is how stocks actually trade. I had the ingredients from reading over 40+ books, but joining trading-bases was the fire that got me cooking. His screenings instilled a discipline and a routine in my trading. What was normal, and what was not. What to focus on, and what to discard. He helped cement a lot of what I had read, and un-learning a couple of things was part of the process. It was amazing how the questions I had in my head would always be answered in one screening or another without asking. It was uncanny. It’s been one year since I joined and the way I trade has changed a lot. I still make stupid silly mistakes but fewer. I am still watching every screening session, thinking and patching the puzzles in my head. If you want to make the most of trading-bases, attend every session, listen carefully, write stuff down, don’t chase stocks, plan your trades, journal your trades, review them and manage your risk. You win this game by surviving, not going all in. And don’t stop learning from Jase, he is a great mentor.
Ah, I forgot one thing. The most important lesson I learnt from Jase was managing risk, and how it is the first and fore-most thing before hitting that buy button.
Thanks for all the lessons, Jase
Prior to joining, I made similar mistakes to others: absolutely no risk management (eg holding a stock until losses were painful), buying stocks that were ex-growth, buying at the wrong time, buying bargains , the dreaded “no-one goes bust taking a profit” (which of course means that you never get big winners). After joining I started to improve my process - it took quite some time (slow learner). The daily 7pm slots started to drum things into my head. As others have mentioned, the GTRS certainly helps to quantify growth and technical aspects of a stock. I’m currently about 1% off ATHINHOTW so that’s nice - thanks Jase Major lessons for me: Set risk level. Set stop at the right point. This *could* be 30-50% below current price. I always check gtrs financials with SharePad. If in doubt, I don’t buy, or I treat it as a riskier trade and enter with less risk. You can usually scale in later. Buy at optimum R:R level if possible. Vital for swing trades. Adding to trades boosts performance. Most of this stuff is covered in the 7pm videos anyway. Analogy time: You want to buy a stock that’s riding a rising tide, not one that’s sinking on a falling tide. And Jase’s daily videos will mean that you know when to catch that big wave at the right time.
the best new starter suggestion I can give re: learning is to make a habit of watching the 7pm daily videos (can be watched on catch-up if that time isn’t convenient). Initially I found them useful as jumping off points to then rummage through the website (“what did he mean by that” etc) then later I appreciated their brainwashing effect if watched consistently. Helps to mentally prepare for a marathon rather than a sprint when it comes to trades. Last thing, the acronym page on the website is a useful one to check early on
another enjoyable and valuable session thanks. As a side note to the piece at the end and echoing comments above, I’ve learnt so much over the last year it’s amazing - really have my ‘investing house’ in order and improved immensely - all down to what I’m getting at these sessions.
Hi Jase, I just wanted to give you an update report! My PF is up 30% ytd and I'm delighted with that performance and wouldn't have been able to do it without your guidance so I'm very grateful. Since the crash last March 2020 my pf is up 106%. In the month or so leading up to the crash in March I made the mistake of not selling down my positions as the markets were falling even though I was listening to the EODs every night and was aware what you were doing (I just sort of froze and sold out of a few which I knew would not recover quickly). I'm investing my pension ( so I don't have the pressure of having to depend on it for a living at the moment but I still want to compound it as much as possible) so I was taking the view that most of my positions would recover. I would have been much better off getting out and am kicking myself now but will chalk it down to experience. I will be prepared to exit much more swiftly in the next crash. Des
Appreciate your patience helping us develop an edge, sometimes a decent teacher will have to explain in 10'000 different ways the same principle before the student is gonna have the slightest inkling of what to do. Mind you at the end of the day if someone isn't willing and is steadfast against your method/mentality they probably won't get there anyway, especially sad if they crash, but they did have the information and a passionate coach to help avoid it at their disposal, thats a rarity and why I'm delighted to have found you myself. Cheers
thanks Jase, your passion to help everyone really comes through, and like Tommy above I am delighted to have found this little corner of the investing universe!
Keep up the good work, trading's not for everyone so naturally people will come and go, but you can rest assured you've given them the best possible chance to 'get it', without being slippery or overpriced... If you ever do a 3 year apprentice membership let me know.
I'm always on catchup and a bit of a lurker, because I'm older and getting stupider - but great session again, Jase. I don't care how many different ways you attempt to explain the same thing, I really need it and appreciate it. The clincher is, after about three years, I've caught on enough to be riding ATHs as well. I wish I'd joined ten years ago!
I would echo everyone else's comments. I have only been here since May but what you do is amazing and by the far the best investment I have made in subscribing to this site. I chucked all my books and cancelled all the magazine subscriptions. I just listen to the daily radar and end of day update and my portfolio is now slowly moving in the right direction so thanks again for everything you do.
Shaun W
Thanks from another lurker and catcher upper Regular evening prayers a great habit to remind what we are here to do.